Archive for February 2023

Robert’s chat with ChatGPT about his “post-stroke chronic fatigue”.

“But the Wheel that does the squeaking, is the one that gets the grease.”
Josh Billings, American humorist, “The Kicker”, 1870.

“Damage to specific areas of the brain can affect the body’s ability to regulate energy levels.”
ChatGPT, AI, February 2023.

“……by his gift of creation he enjoys the catharsis, the purging of pity and terror, which Aristotle tells us is the object of art.”
W. Somerset Maugham, “The Summing Up”, Chapter 50, first Published 1938.
EBook, Project Gutenberg, 17 May 2016.


In early May 2021, Robert’s health deteriorated markedly in an instant.

Medical staff at two NSW regional hospitals immediately diagnosed Robert with an Ischemic stroke. His classic symptoms were a sudden significant weakness in his right arm, hand and lower leg, which gradually became worse.

Despite a professionally managed rehabilitation program, Robert’s health status only improved marginally.  His own perception being, that he is now only 35% of his former self prior to his stroke.

After experiencing 22 months of continual post-stroke chronic fatigue, Robert developed a reasonable expectation to seek out an alternative opinion, as to the reasons why his body was constantly fatigued. He sought the opinion of ChatGPT.

In its simplest format, ChatGPT defines itself as “an Artificial Intelligence (AI) language model that talks like a human and can answer questions, suggest ideas, and help with tasks.”

My critical purpose was to undertake a deeper questioning of ChatGPT, to try to establish an improved rationale as to why my current long-term chronic fatigue, together with poor mobility and balance, is still continuing, 22 months post-stroke.


Robert in hospital with Physiotherapist, attempting his first walk 7 days after his stroke.

Constraints and limitations.


Current 2023 online enquiry platforms, inclusive of ChatGPT, AI, certainly do not replace practising registered health professionals.

Regarding the above, in my discussions with this AI, the following disclaimer was offered – “maintain open communication with your healthcare team and advocate for yourself to ensure the best possible outcomes.”

I adopt the pragmatic position that a better understanding  of my personal health condition, may result in the possible chance of an improved recovery, being whole or part.  Additionally, my experiences in this matter may benefit others, who find themselves in similar circumstances.

I now provide for the interested reader, extracts of my long question and answer discussions with ChatGPT, primarily focussing on the issue of impacts of an Ischemic stroke and associated long-term chronic fatigue.  Refer to my 7 page PDF.

Click here to access the PDF.


The evaluation of the merit and accuracy of the AI responses to my questions, is left to the individual reader.


Robert, aged 74, Winter, 14 months post-stroke ~ photo by Gillian.

Robert’s reverse mantra ~


The person closest to the problem, is the person, necessarily, who cannot solve that problem.


Robert and Gillian, 22 months post-stroke at Coorabell ~ photo by Mikey, 21 February 2023.



Surfing daze, Robert at NSW South Coast point break, entry cove, winter 1998 ~ photo by Gillian.

A distraction for personal equilibrium.


From the age of five to my early twenties, I lived within a short walking distance from a wind-swept surf beach.  Over these years, I developed a variety of surfing skills, culminating in becoming  an accomplished, average longboard surfer.  Then, I effectively stopped, I had other obligations and priorities.

In my very late forties, because of an accumulation of a major health trauma and other significant stressors at that time, I made the decision to take up longboard surfing again, as a distraction, to try to obtain more equilibrium in my life.

As the “come-back kid”, my renewed surfing experiences allowed me to intimately enjoy the sea and the surf again, giving me a welcome sense of a better mindset, together with a much needed improved level of physical fitness.

What about right now, 2023.  My current two primary health issues and my age effectively prevent me from physically surfing, as I had done in my former years.  I no longer surf, but I am still able to capture the primal benefits of that past experience, by being with the ocean, the surf and the off-shore wind, holding up the green face of a breaking wave, in spirit.

I now use my memory to relive my deep connection with my surfing daze, as my go-to place to seek comfort, calm and equilibrium – my sort of meditation, to alleviate my health demons.


Robert surfing uncrowded NSW South Coast point break, winter storm surf, 1998 ~ photo by Gillian.


Special acknowledgement and thanks:

To my son Sam and his family, for their caring support to a sometimes complex patient, throughout my post-stroke period.  No doubt, Sam has developed his own personal fatigue, enduring our long phone conversations.

Without my wife Gillian’s encouragement and persistent support, clear critical editing and patience with me, this whole blog post “ain’t gonna happen”.   Gillian has been my confidante and pal for 52 years.

Link References:

Stroke – Post Stroke Fatigue, Maurizio Paciaroni and Monica Acciarresi, Pub. 14 June 2019.

ChatGPT, AI, entry website, February 2023.

OpenAI platform website 2023.


Feeling better now Robert?


Robert and Gillian, 1972.